To give honor where honor is due …

To the mom who spent 18 years teaching him to tie his shoe,

honor is due

To the mom who researches hoping to find something new,

honor is due

To the mom losing sleep to pray,

honor is due

To the mom told “no, your child does not belong”,

honor is due

To the mom unafraid to be wrong,

honor is due

To the mom who spent years, months, days sleeping in a hospital room,

honor is due.

To the mom who finds a place of safety and healing,

honor is due.

To the mom who is grieving,

honor is due

To the mom who finds beauty in the broken, different, and incomplete,

honor is due

To the mom who fights vigilant and unceasing,

honor is due.

To the mom who advocates without fear,

honor is due.

To the mom who learns from every melt down and every tear,

honor is due.

To the mom who lifts and carries each load,

honor is due

To the mom who refuses to hide where differences abide,

honor is due

To the mom who holds on to hope,

honor is due

To the mom who fights just to nourish her child,

honor is due

To the mom who agrees to machines in order to thrive,

honor is due

To the mom who allows help in to her home,

honor is due

To the mom who watches and waits for seizures to abate,

honor is due

To the mom who comes alongside the journey of others,

honor is due


Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.


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